Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How studying for a Social Studies exam can make you say dumb things cause you are too focused on what Native Americans eat and how they dress than the present day.

I know. I admit. It's a pretty long title. But studying for a social exam can alter your thought processes. It makes me say stupid things. And it makes me quite an idiot for the day.


Sometimes I yell at my teacher in my head, because I hate history. And it takes ten times longer to study, cause I can honestly say that sometimes I don't care. And I have to learn dumb things that I will soon forget after taking the exam because my teacher honestly can't think of ANYONE who wouldn't want to learn about schema and how it can help you learn and how history is just so dang important.

please read my sister's one experience that has probably ruined me forever. One she will never forget and will tease me about for the rest of my life. And you know what's even better? SHE'S WRITTEN IT DOWN. which makes it doubly hard to forget. and if she does, she can always go back to it.

just times all of that by twenty, and you will understand my day.

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