Saturday, May 12, 2012

walk into the mind of the sappy

I recently went to the library, somehow managing to get five books from a library that is miniscule and tiny, and yet STILL larger than the Southlake Public Library. I am seriously considering filing a complaint when I get back. I mean really. I thought that Southlake was really big on the whole,  "education is really important!" thing. so please explain to me why I could finish the entire Young Adult section in like three weeks and not enjoy far too many of them. Is one floor really all you have for me? honestly.

But because of all the Nicholas Sparks books that become movies and sing he is the only contemporary author besides J.K. Rowling who has a novel that has stayed on the New York Times hardcover and paperback bestsellers lists for more than a year, I thought I would just check out one and see. The only book they have of his is the last song, which I thought was going to be awful since I didn't really adore the movie. Turns out it is better than the movie by a long run and if you are into sappy romances, then please check it out.

sappy: those who love Twilight, (a book in which the author tries to make it interesting but ends up just creating wars that don't happen, monsters that don't really fit into my "favorite beasts and monsters" list, and teaching all kids how important boyfriends are in your teen life. they might save your life, for goodness sake) the notebook, dear john, the lucky one (all which i see no reason to read-- I have fulfilled my goal in reading one of Nicholas sparks' books. For those who love to be sapped enormously, read on. i won't stop you)

the urban dictionary also gives definitons of sappy:

definition 1- Something or someone very lame, or so sweet that it makes you want to puke.
sentence to prove definition 1- For a so-called hard rock, metal band, their band name is pretty sappy. Band name example ---> Butterfly Girls

definition 2- Overly dramatic with way to much emotion
sentence to prove definitoin 2- Spenser: What does sappy mean? Cameron: Overly dramatic with way too much emotion.

definition 3- When your AIM away messages contain stuff like: i want to walk in the rain by myself or i'm here, but i'm sitting in the dark without lights and my head's on the desk. 
sentence proving definition 3- you're sappy cause you want to ponder about some girl instead of just having fun. 

yahoo also gives "wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH" advice when she asks:

"some of my friends have recently got new boyfriends...
and they NEVER stop talking about them....
I try and change the subject but it doesn't work!!!
Its even gotten to the stage where i have to avoid answering their calls...
What should I do.... please HELP!"

pillow pants answered: "Welcome to reality.....if you say something - they're likely to not talk to you as much but even if you don't, you're likely to drift apart eventually"

Chandler Lohners list of favorite beasts and monsters (or any mystical animal):
centarurs, vampires, (the usual kind that burn when the sun hits them, don't like garlic, have fangs and such) sully and mike from monsters inc., dragons, (such as harry potter dragons, mushu from mulan, robotic toy dragons-- i really enjoy playing with those as well) thestrals (pretty darn AWESOME) mermaids, (are those considered beasts, really??) giants (the kind and gentle ones like in B.F.G.) werewolves (the ones that change at the full-moon kind such as in harry potter or wizards of waverly place) goblins, blast-ended skrewts, basilisk, ghouls (preferably the one in the Weasley's attic) bowtruckles, flobberworms, hippogriffs, cornish pixies (preferably the ones freshly caught) sphinx, niffler, banshees, hinkypunks, UNICORNS, three headed dogs, nargles, wrackspurts (they fly in your ears and make your brain go fuzzy), phoenix, house-elves, and many many more

want to see yourself?? click here

1 comment:

  1. flobberworms should NOT be on your list of favorite beasts and monsters. although i personally have never had a bad experience with one, my friend, crabbe, got a bad bite off of a flobberworm once. beware.
