Sunday, May 20, 2012

we're the same temperature now

please make the screaming stop said:

Breaking Dawn summary

-bella the human, and edward the vampire get married

-They go on a honeymoon

-Then she gets pregnant with some sort of demon death baby who grows at superhuman rate, reads thoughts from the womb, drinks blood, and breaks bella's spine, ribs, and pelvis

-baby is delivered via c-section, which is really a nice way of saying that other characters rip bella's stomach open with their teeth.

-some werewolf stuff happens and jacob (20 years old) falls in love with the tiny demon death baby

-bella becomes a vampire and gets superpowers (which are meant to be an oddity for vampires)

behappy48 said:

11 step sum up of breaking dawn

1.bella marries edward

2.they go on a honeymoon

3.bella becomes pregnant

4.the pregnancy is dragged on throughout 100 pages of boringness

5.Bella FINALLY gives birth in a terrifying R-rated movie way

6.Jacob imprints on the mutant baby. poor jacob.

7.Bella becomes a vampire and they all play happy family for about 200 VERY LONG pages.

8.The Volturi find out about the mutant baby Reneesme, uh-oh. Finally some action!

9.Preparations are made for the Volturi's arrival; you begin to feel slightly interested in the book, wondering who will die (hopefully the freak child).

10.The Volturi come, 100 pages of discussion and they leave. No fight, no (real) deaths. The suspense was for nothing. You begin to start the fire to burn the book.

11.They return to playing happy family. Insert book in fire.

Bella said:


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