Monday, February 4, 2013

I've felt a nagging on my bum recently

Corinne has recently told me to write on my blog more often. and my life is considerably un-enthralling and not one you really would want to read about ever. if i wrote a book about my life or someone else did (assuming i ever become like super famous or something) it would be 200 pages of nothing. Maybe I'd throw in some facts about what i got for christmas. cause i know i was pretty excited when that happened. maybe the rest of the world will be as well. please notice the fact that there is no capitalism. i do this on purpose. i consider it a "new trend." maybe the famous blog world will start copying me. i don't know, though. i'll have to start getting more than 6 fake followers first. 

Anyways... the point of that long paragraph, was that I'm seriously thinking about pretending i've become a wizard or something mystical. maybe a vampire. Then maybe the followers will add up or crazy bellas will start knocking on my door. 

and then.... something interesting will happen in my life. 


  1. hahaha. I think by "capitalism" you mean "capitalizing" or perhaps "capitals". or just "caps". that would probably resonate more with this generation.

  2. I prefer to think she was casually referencing capitalism. Corinne is right, UPDATES. Also, Corinne made her blog private, so now it's all up to you to entertain me. jk.
