Sunday, September 18, 2011

Three strange men and unfortunate rain

There are just a few photos I would like to share. This one I took at Covent Garden in the streets.

Then on Saturday morning, at about 5:45, we got in the car and drove four hours to Chester, Cheshire, England. To make things a little clearer for you, Chester is the city, Cheshire is the county (or something of the sort).  On our car ride, Dad made the comment about how the trees were turning different colors. And then Corinne made the comment about how Fall is a better name than Autumn because Fall has meaning. (the falling of the leaves... just in case you didn't get that...) and dad agreed and tried to sing the song "You got a friend" with autumn instead of Fall. It went kind of like this:
"Winter, Spring, Summer, or Autumn. All you got to do call... call... MY BOTTOM!" and Corinne finished it brilliantly by singing "AND I'LL BE THERE! YES I WILL... WITH MY BOTTOM!" It was quite the car ride.
When we arrived, we unpacked all of our things, and went to a "CELEBRATE CHESTER" fair. Dad had a booth for stella and dot set up. Corinne, Mom, and I came a little late and when we arrived, dad was talking to him:
Dad was actually enjoying talking to the "Romans" and looking at all of their ancient... stuff. It was quite entertaining. And before we left we happened to see this man:
Don't worry... I was very sneaky.

Then today, we went and saw an old castle... or what was left of it... We hiked up to a wall and we were taking pictures of it. And took pictures of us standing up on the wall. It wasn't very high. And then we saw this sign:

Just in case you can't read it, it says "please keep off the walls" oops. So instead of staying around we hiked up to the ruins of the castle. There was a bridge up to the castle that was SUPER steep. It actually gave me quite a workout. And on the bridge i saw this:
hmmm... lovely.
After it started raining, and we decided we didn't really want to stay in the rain... and after taking a few more pictures...


We went to the ice cream farm. A lovely place where they have a TON of cows and an ice cream shop. At this particular farm I saw this sign.

It's very special.

And then FINALLY... we went to a sweetshop and then back to our hotel where we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

*and please excuse all of the pictures. I took a lot of them and am in a picture mood.

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