Tuesday, July 24, 2012

i'm feeling lazy bummish today.

Every time you go to a church activity of any sort, there is someone giving you the speech about doing what may seem fun in the moment, but how you will regret it later.

and i can't help but feel like they are talking to me about my incredible ability to procrastinate in every thing I do.

and the fact of the matter is,

homework stinks.
being overly busy with studying stinks.
feeling panicked stinks.

yet procrastination feels like you jumped on the joy train.

until you're sitting at your desk on July 24th, still doing homework, still doing school, feeling lazy bummish on the day that you REALLY need to feel interested in grammar.

I just want to put on the fake mustaches sitting on my desk and prance around in a crazy costume.

come on life. brain. dad. gimme a break already. 

it's actually been a while since I realized that the joy train was stationary. And it still isn't going ANYWHERE. 

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